
Igniting Voices, Inspiring Change

I want to be known as successful daughter of my family, not as a wife of successful man.

Speaking to She Lit, kriti, a young dynamic poet opened up about her writing journey and future aspirations.

My Writing Journey

Being an only child sometimes made it challenging for me to express my emotions. This struggle led me to start writing. Until then, I had never considered writing
professionally. However, when my father discovered my passion for writing, he not only appreciated it but also encouraged me to start a blog. His support motivated me to take writing more seriously, and he even helped me get my first piece published.

The Role of Parents

Parents play a crucial role in shaping their child’s confidence and aspirations. Their encouragement and acceptance of both strengths and weaknesses make a
significant difference. I consider myself fortunate because my parents never saw my written emotions as a weakness. Instead, they recognized them as a talent and
supported me in showcasing my work to the world.

Writing as a Career

Writing is my passion—it’s an inseparable part of who I am. However, my aspirations extend beyond writing. I want to be recognized as a successful daughter of my
family, not just as the wife of a successful man. I refuse to be dependent on anyone. Through my journey, I want to inspire every girl to value her freedom, aim high, and relentlessly pursue her dreams, regardless of the challenges. To achieve my goals, I chose a career in finance, and I am currently studying Financial Investment Analysis at Delhi University.

Life After Becoming a Writer

In our society, and even within families, girls are often not taken seriously when it comes to career choices, financial independence, and future aspirations.
Sometimes, you have to prove yourself to gain acceptance and equality. I firmly believe that hard work and perseverance are the keys to breaking these barriers
and earning the recognition you deserve.

Message for Girls

Believe in yourself, chase your dreams, and never let the world define your worth. You are strong, capable, and enough just as you are!

Kriti khatry
Instagram: @kriatus
Book link:

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